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I love to photograph church interiors when I'm traveling, it's an opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of the streets and into the quiet sanctuary of the church.

Copenhagen, Denmark; Helligaandskirken or Church of the Holy Spirit

Copenhagen, Denmark; Helligaandskirken or Church of the Holy Spirit

Copenhagen Catherdral
Copenhagen, Denmark; Copenhagen Catherdral

Trinitatis Kirke
Trinitatis Kirke, Lutheran Church in the old part of Copenhagen, Denmark

Palermo, Sicily; Parrocchia SS. Pietro e paolo Apostol

Convento de la Merced
Old Havana, Cuba; Interior of the catholic church Convento de la Merced in Old Havana

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Regla
Regla, Cuba, Interior of the Catholic Church, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Regla, in Regla, Cuba

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
Cambridge, England; Chapel at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

St. Johns College, Cambridge
Cambridge, England; Chapel at St John's College, Cambridge

Liverpool Catherdral
The Lady Chapel at Liverpool Catherdral

Lecce, Italy,
Cappella Del Seminario

Matera, Italy

Matera, Italy,
Cattedrale di Maria Santissima della Bruna e Sant'Eustachio

Matera, Italy,
Cattedrale di Maria Santissima della Bruna e Sant'Eustachio

Lecce, Italy;
Cattedrale di Maria Santissima Assunta e San Oronzo

Locorotondo, Italy,
Chiesa Madre San Giorgio Martire

Albertobello, Italy;
Chiesa Santa Lucia

Lecce, Italy,
Basilica di Santa Croce
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